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Please add the ability to mute players from the player list menu
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Guys, its essential that we can mute 12 yr old kids screaming "HELP ME HELP ME! ..... AHHHH! I DIED!!!" in our ears. Its the kind of thing that makes me, and a huge amount of people, stop playing certain online FPS games.
You should be able to quickly and easily mute one or multiple players, especially when you are mid combat and need to hear whats around you. This feature needs to be quick and easy to use and I think hitting "P" and then mouse clicking a mute button is the way to go


Legacy ID
Not A Bug
Steps To Reproduce


Event Timeline

Ethnod edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Mar 9 2013, 11:42 PM
Ethnod edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Ethnod set Category to Sound.
Ethnod set Reproducibility to N/A.
Ethnod set Severity to Feature.
Ethnod set Resolution to Not A Bug.
Ethnod set Legacy ID to 1128573005.May 7 2016, 12:03 PM

I agree. It is an absolute necessity unless of course somebody has figured out how to eliminate annoying people from playing video games. :)

I fully support this, I know that ARMA is all about teamwork if you are going to succeed but sometimes we really need the option to shut people up. Last night there was a guy who must have had his mic set to broadcast when he speaks as he was broadcasting his gunfire over comms, explosions and quite often he was talking to himself / his computer when 'excited', annoyed the hell out of a lot of us.

I won't even start going on about the idiots and trolls who can't help but harass or mock other people. Wasn't much of an issue in ARMA 2 as most people just wanted to play the game but with an influx of interest from casual gamers into the ARMA series we will get a lot of idiots too.

Ethnod added a subscriber: Ethnod.May 7 2016, 12:03 PM

LOL typo I assume :P

Watch this, so much more should be added but this speaks to what could be also done, player muting could just be a start

It's possible already .....

Left SHIFT + P

Search for the guy you want to mute > MUTE!

It's right under his details window (the big one on the right of the playerlist)

Ha, thanks Ethnod. Typo fixed.

And thanks for that Kid, will check out the mute when in-game.

ha, did not know. Thanks also to Kid

This is already possible.