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- User Since
- Jun 11 2022, 3:21 AM (145 w, 6 d)
Dec 10 2024
Dec 10 2024
OGskystrider added a comment to T181572: Server crashes since 1.25 (Access violation).
Jun 11 2022
Jun 11 2022
In T181572#2615702, @unvaxedsavage wrote:could everyone share their modlist or ip/port so we can check. I noticed in the above mod list these similarities
rag hunting cabin
cannabis plus
drugs plus
DNA Keycards
DayZ Editor Loader
Snafu Weapons
Code Lock
CZ No Fly Zones
In T159815#2285503, @tjensen wrote:Hopefully this gets addressed but, in the meanwhile, I've created this script snippet to identify modded clothing items that may generate the error:
int count = GetGame().ConfigGetChildrenCount("CfgVehicles"); string child; PrintFormat("Checking %1 types", count); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (!GetGame().ConfigGetChildName("CfgVehicles", i, child)) { continue; } if (GetGame().ConfigGetInt(string.Format("CfgVehicles %1 scope", child)) != 2) { continue; } Object obj = GetGame().CreateObject(child, "0 0 0"); if (obj && obj.IsClothing() && Clothing.Cast(obj) == null) { PrintFormat("Bad clothing type: %1", child); } GetGame().ObjectDelete(obj); } Print("Done checking types");