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- User Since
- Oct 24 2013, 7:35 PM (593 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
Any updates?
Believe this has been solved.
Same here.
Did you also take the UAV-terminal? Not only the Darter backpack...
I will try and be a bit more clear about the specific sitation I encountered.
When I was assigned with the task of planting the charge, we were a four man strong team.
After the charge was planted, we started to retreat to a safe distance.
An addtional AAF autorifleman appears to the north, we engage him and the team leader is killed, we are down to three men.
After the AAF soldier is killed, a new team leader is assigned to our team, making us four man in total again. This new team leader is standing perhaps a 100m to our east when he is assigned.
The team leader and the rest of my squad try to link up somewhere halfway between us. When they have linked up and are in formation, they run back to the helicopter.
Setting off the charge at this point, would kill my entire squad. Yes it is possible and the mission would probably end, but not a very "realistic" scenario.
When I restarted the mission instead and killed the AAF autorifleman before my team leader was killed, my team could retreat to a safe distance, triggering the line "Ok, I think it is safe to set off the charge now" (Or something similiar to this, I can't check this at this point as I am at work).
I set off the charge and the mission is completed.
Yes, and I completed it. But didn't set off the charge.
@KillZone Kid: Ofc I've tried that one as well... Just had another go, changed the code to:
notepad attachto [desk1,[0,0,0.4]];
notepad setVectorDirAndUp [[1,0,0],[0,0,1]];
Still no difference.
Yes!! Finally! ;)
notepad attachto [desk1,[0,0,0.4]];
notepad setdir 90;
notepad attachto [desk1,[0,0,0.4]];
notepad setdir 90;
works as well as you said.
This issue is still not resolved.
Apparently: "attachTo is broken. You can setDir an object that is attached to a unit, but not another object."