I'm trying to receive information concerning how much ammo a Ghost Hawk has left. As you know, it carries two gatling 6.5mm guns, one on each side. It works very well for the left gun. But not at all for the right one (it always states that it has 0 rounds left, no matter how many rounds it actually has left).
I do this with the function (naming the helicopter "ghosthawk"): ghosthawk ammo "LMG_Minigun2"
Note that it works well by replacing the code with (since it gives the ammo count on the left gun): ghosthawk ammo "LMG_Minigun"
Now the LMG_Minigun is the left gun, that much is true. and it correctly states that it has 2000 rounds of ammo left when it is fully loaded and it decreases as it should when it is fired.
Now, the right gun SHOULD in my mind be called LMG_Minigun2, I checked this by inserting the following string into the helicopter's (ghosthawk's) init field:
Init code: this addEventhandler ["fired", {copyToClipboard format["%1", _this]}]
And got this result when I fired the right side minigun:
Result: [ghosthawk,"LMG_Minigun2","LMG_Minigun2","manual","B_65x39_Minigun_Caseless","2000Rnd_65x39_Belt_Tracer_Red",1769818: tracer_red.p3d]