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Dec 17 2013, 9:32 PM (588 w, 2 d)

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May 10 2016

NickH85 added a comment to T98803: Game crashes with "dayz.exe has stopped working" Errormessage.

I too have had this problem yesterday and today. Random crashing and unable to reproduce as it happens randomly and without warning.

Crash 1 - Travelling up NW airfield, just up from the tower blocks. DayZ.exe stopped working. Crashed on road.

Crash 2 - Further up the road, sorry can't be specific. Was crouching still near a bush. DayZ.exe stopped working.

Crash 3 - Small town north of Starry Sober, crashed whilst eating food in small house. DayZ.exe stopped working.

Crash 4 - (Died)Respawned near Electro. Traveled to Electro with a random player, crashed near house near entrance to main town (past harbor). DayZ.exe stopped working.

I have uploaded the dump file together with the DxDiag.txt, hope this helps! (DayZ_Crash_Report_With_DxDiag.rar).

Also, these are all within 5-30 minutes from starting up the game. Rolled back Mantle driver and installed previous one but crashing persists. Other Steam and non-Steam games work fine (CS:GO, BF4 etc..) Temps for CPU and GPU stable - did overclock GPU but reset to see if this was giving the crashes but still persists.

EDIT 1 @20.59 GMT - Just crashed again (Dayz.exe has stopped working) loaded up character from crash 4, began looting and tried swapping jeans with ones found one floor in building. Crashed with (Dayz.exe has stopped working).

Edit 2 :22.03 GMT - Crashed again. Was with some player, had to run off (was still in Elecktro), ran into a building - approaching a screwdriver on a metal shelf and game froze for a few seconds and crashed (Dayz.exe has stopped working). I have uploaded a second DayZ Dump folder incase this helps comparing the two where two crashes have occurred tonight.

The DayZ dump file lets me open it with Visual Studio, so I opened it up and took a screenshot (apologies if this is no help, it throws an error exception, didn't know if this gives any more info).

May 10 2016, 10:25 PM · DayZ
NickH85 added a comment to T94613: Game crashes with "dayz.exe has stopped working" Errormessage.

I too have had this problem yesterday and today. Random crashing and unable to reproduce as it happens randomly and without warning.

Crash 1 - Travelling up NW airfield, just up from the tower blocks. DayZ.exe stopped working. Crashed on road.

Crash 2 - Further up the road, sorry can't be specific. Was crouching still near a bush. DayZ.exe stopped working.

Crash 3 - Small town north of Starry Sober, crashed whilst eating food in small house. DayZ.exe stopped working.

Crash 4 - (Died)Respawned near Electro. Traveled to Electro with a random player, crashed near house near entrance to main town (past harbor). DayZ.exe stopped working.

I have uploaded the dump file together with the DxDiag.txt, hope this helps! (DayZ_Crash_Report_With_DxDiag.rar).

Also, these are all within 5-30 minutes from starting up the game. Rolled back Mantle driver and installed previous one but crashing persists. Other Steam and non-Steam games work fine (CS:GO, BF4 etc..) Temps for CPU and GPU stable - did overclock GPU but reset to see if this was giving the crashes but still persists.

EDIT 1 @20.59 GMT - Just crashed again (Dayz.exe has stopped working) loaded up character from crash 4, began looting and tried swapping jeans with ones found one floor in building. Crashed with (Dayz.exe has stopped working).

Edit 2 :22.03 GMT - Crashed again. Was with some player, had to run off (was still in Elecktro), ran into a building - approaching a screwdriver on a metal shelf and game froze for a few seconds and crashed (Dayz.exe has stopped working). I have uploaded a second DayZ Dump folder incase this helps comparing the two where two crashes have occurred tonight.

The DayZ dump file lets me open it with Visual Studio, so I opened it up and took a screenshot (apologies if this is no help, it throws an error exception, didn't know if this gives any more info).

May 10 2016, 8:00 PM · DayZ
NickH85 added a comment to T86889: Putting items in quick bar and then dropping them from inventory leaves them in quickbar.

Can confirm also. The item's model 'husk' is left in the quick-bar, basically a 3D un-textured white model is left. It can be dragged outside of the bar for it to be dropped though, so it isn't game breaking.

Windows 8.1 64bit
DayZ first Alpha release

May 10 2016, 3:07 PM · DayZ
NickH85 added a comment to T86665: Some players able to use global VOIP.

Can confirm also. Thought someone was speaking nearby but I could hear them even when I had traveled out of the town. Tried to speak back but I guess he didn't hear me.

May 10 2016, 2:08 PM · DayZ
NickH85 added a comment to T86543: Game randomly crashes/freezes forever.

Mine just crashed again, randomly and without warning (Dayz.exe has stopped working). This is after I changed video memory from auto to 2048 (equal to my video ram I have).

I did upload multiple crash reports to a ticket which I added to some time ago, and uploaded updated dumps after each crash, although that ticket was merged into this thread (

Thanks :)

May 10 2016, 1:52 PM · DayZ
NickH85 added a comment to T86543: Game randomly crashes/freezes forever.

Hi Accolyte,

Thanks for the reply. I will try your suggestions once I get a chance (last month of project work for uni so really busy atm) and let you know as soon as I can.

Thank you :)

May 10 2016, 1:52 PM · DayZ
NickH85 added a comment to T86543: Game randomly crashes/freezes forever.

Thanks mintypie007, I'll try lowering the GPU memory when I'm next on and see if that works (I think I have it at auto at the moment).

May 10 2016, 1:52 PM · DayZ
NickH85 added a comment to T86543: Game randomly crashes/freezes forever.

Any news on this guys? I haven't been able to play DayZ since early February. The bug report I added to was merged into this one (0008188 - see notes in that report with dump etc..). I have been trying to play the game the last hour or so and it's still crashing about 15 min :/

May 10 2016, 1:52 PM · DayZ