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User Since
Feb 6 2019, 8:18 AM (317 w, 5 d)

Recent Activity

Apr 2 2019

NeonTheWolf changed Severity from severity:none to severity:major on T138270: SG5-K invisible magazine glitch.
Apr 2 2019, 2:34 AM · DayZ Xbox
NeonTheWolf triaged T138270: SG5-K invisible magazine glitch as High priority.
Apr 2 2019, 2:34 AM · DayZ Xbox

Feb 12 2019

NeonTheWolf changed the status of T136910: Here's 10 great ideas for new features and patches that would really improve DayZ on Xbox from New to Feedback.
Feb 12 2019, 5:09 AM · DayZ Xbox

Feb 9 2019

NeonTheWolf added a comment to T136783: Bases being deleted .

it's because the persistence issues on Xbox still haven't been patched, but the recent patch released a couple days ago on PC DayZ's experimental branch has patched persistence problems so all they need to do is port the update to Xbox.

Feb 9 2019, 4:52 AM · DayZ Xbox

Feb 7 2019

NeonTheWolf changed Severity from severity:minor to severity:major on T136687: Xbox One Party Chat is preventing me from talking to players in proximity chat.
Feb 7 2019, 1:30 AM · DayZ Xbox
NeonTheWolf added a comment to T136721: I spent 3 days building my base..

might've been a persistence problem, since on Xbox the persistence issue with base items such as tents, barrels, stashes, walls, gates, and lookout towers all despawning randomly, most of the time during a server restart.

Feb 7 2019, 1:30 AM · DayZ Xbox
NeonTheWolf added a comment to T136696: Xbox bug report/Tweaks February 2019.

Recently I was also having the issue where party chat blocks out proximity chat in game like it used to when DayZ Xbox launched on August 29th 2018, I can hear other people talk but they can't hear me despite having the push to talk button held down.

Feb 7 2019, 1:26 AM · DayZ Xbox

Feb 6 2019

NeonTheWolf added a comment to T136650: Bugged microphone toggle.

I still can't even speak in the game if i'm in a party chat with a friend, which I thought was a patched glitch a long time ago but I somehow am having it now.

Feb 6 2019, 9:22 AM · DayZ Xbox
NeonTheWolf added a comment to T136591: KEYBOARD & MOUSE SUPPORT.

They said it's already a planned feature once they figure out how to implement it correctly without messing up the entire game, they said their current plan for a proper implementation of M/KB support is creating separate servers for M/KB players so they'll be separate from controller players which I hope to god they do because M/KB players being combined with controller players would ruin the game due to unfair advantage.

Feb 6 2019, 9:19 AM · DayZ Xbox
NeonTheWolf changed Severity from severity:major to severity:minor on T136687: Xbox One Party Chat is preventing me from talking to players in proximity chat.
Feb 6 2019, 9:01 AM · DayZ Xbox
NeonTheWolf added a comment to T136647: Base building, is it worth doing or will it just despawn?.

At the moment it's likely to despawn, but it's random so it might or it might not. I'd say do not take the time for base building as it takes hours or even days to finish building just for it all to be likely wiped due to the persistence issues.

Feb 6 2019, 8:55 AM · DayZ Xbox
NeonTheWolf triaged T136687: Xbox One Party Chat is preventing me from talking to players in proximity chat as Immediate priority.
Feb 6 2019, 8:45 AM · DayZ Xbox