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- User Since
- May 4 2014, 5:47 PM (566 w, 3 d)
May 1 2018
May 1 2018
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
MojoDog added a comment to T83735: Editor, PSU squeal and get hot when maximum zoomed in on map..
Yeah you guys are right. I get about 1300fps (holy shit!) according to steams fps-counter when zoomed in fully.
MojoDog edited Steps To Reproduce on T83735: Editor, PSU squeal and get hot when maximum zoomed in on map..
MojoDog edited Steps To Reproduce on T77388: Option to stop AI infantry firing at aircraft.
MojoDog added a comment to T77369: Hosting any Internet Game now locks up the machine.
I have a similar issue. Game seems to be freezing/crashing when I set up my server and press OK. Found out that happens if you have the mod @AGM activated.
Maybe this is the issue here too?
MojoDog edited Steps To Reproduce on T77082: ZEUS - AI Group Skill resets.
MojoDog added a comment to T74106: Female soldiers models should be available in the game.
Would be cool to see some variations of body types at least.