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- User Since
- Jan 14 2014, 1:59 PM (583 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
Thank you again for your backup guys!
2 more downvotes for no reason?! Guys srsly, i dont begging to vote up, if you dont like it, then just vote down and let us know here where you see the problem.
Ok, it looks those guys who voted down, are somehow just unable to explain the reasons to do so, very sad. The first comment was also written by someone who voted down, but his feedback, means some words for explaination, actually helped me to make the idea better. If you can register or signin here, i guess you can wrote then also.
@Clark thanks for your feedback. But again, the logout process should stay a crucial game part, that have to be well thought. If you could just sit down with a gun in your hands, every ex-combat logger would exploit the opportunity to saftey get away while still be able to shoot every follower.
I really need your feedback here as well guys, plz dont just vote down, but post the reason for it here, so we can improve the idea or come to a point where the suggestion becomes meaningless for a reason. Just downvoting gets us nowhere further.
Your feedback is a joke ^^ Read the suggestion carefully. You wont be able to start logout process, as long theres something in your hands. Every time you cancel the logout, you have to wait longer at every following logout try. Im no combatlogger and im not whining, i just try to participate in the game dev. process. The current method works so far, but its not the best either.
Srsly try to read carefully and try to think and to participate a bit.
A second confirmation step via "You really want to leave?" button sounds logical to me. The thing with another 30 seconds not. The logout process should be a crucial part of the game, as it is right now, so you shouldnt allowed to let your guard down untill the logout is done!
Thanks for your Feedback! Plz keep it up and send me your suggestions/critics to imrpove the idea!
@keep them buissy with talking and then get the hell out of there:
-Thats just a rough idea. Dont to do any action could also include, that you're unable to talk, chat or use what ever kind of communication.
@im running to the next cover and wait there, weapons raised and if someone follows me i just shoot him:
-Make the logout button only available if theres nothing in your hands.
@Logging out should be a carefully thought about process. Pick somewhere good to log out where you won't get killed within half a minute.
-I already told you above, that i was really carefully when i chose my logout location. Im playing daisy since the very beginning now, im really not that unexperienced.
I edited the start post thanks to your feedback.
If my char was just resettet, i would've started at the coast. But when i logged in, the "you are dead" message appeared. Some of my friends, had the same issue and were quite sure of it was a zombie, since you already got hiked up by some of them in the current game version. And now, its just a few hundreds of them.
Thanks for your feedback anon. If you like the suggestion, plz vote up then, so we get a chance this is becoming a vote and get into the game in the future.
We should be happy. Now its at least one of them who actually recognized this serious issue instead of discussing the shape of the new hats.
I appriciate your posts here. Noone here knows whats realy going on in the dev.-team. Im just saying what it looks like to the most of us. Keep up the communication in the real deal threads. Im hopeing some of those performance changes are coming along with the next exp. branch.
Great to get at least a sign of life from the dev crew. Take a look at this topic, there are hundreds of reporter comments and your message was the first statment by some offical dev member.
Thats the third time, dean is announcing such a comment. I'll believe him when something actually happens. The impression of getting ignored is quite common since you'll wont find any official statments in performance topics here as well as in reddit. But at least they talked really frequently in terms of new hats to the community.
I dont know much about the arma3 engine, and i either dont have any game thats based upon it. But what im quite sure of, cause i saw it with my own eyes, is the fact, in my friends mobile i5 it runs so much better than daisy. He plays both games and daisy is not tha much fun on his rig, but aram3 actually is really enjoyable (with better/higer graphic detail).
Even on an 5000€ enthusiast rig, with an 6 core intel cpu at 4,5gh, a sli geforce 780ti, it wouldnt run as it should on such an machine. You would still have the same performance issues, and you would still not be able to play the game maxed out with an fps minimum of 60.
Yep. I dont know whats going mods/dev. You really think its an good idea to impliment new features like additional weapons, clothings and stuff or later things like the weather is affecting the char, instead of fixing some core issues in the first line?
To be honest, right now, i would happily renounce to play daisy for 1 or 2 years, if they just would port it totally to the arma3 engine, or some modern engine, that actually can handle multithreading/parallelizing ..
Change the following:
-VideoMemory: Auto
-Texture Detail: High (just depends on vram)
-Texture Filtering: High (this will give you far better texture optics in distance and doesnt almost doesnt draw fps)
-Objects: Very Low! (even with an high end intel 6 core you cant set this above norma without massive fps drops, the game ist just to poor optimized in using the cpu effectivley)
-Terrain: Normal (better optics of the landscape without significantley fps draw)
-Clouds: Normal (cpu limited again, but with my suggestions you should be able to go for normal here)
-Shadows: Normal/High (gpu limited, and your gpu isnt that bad)
-Antialiasing: Low
-Alpha to Coverage: Disable
-Edge Smoothing: Disable
-HDR Quality: Very Low
-Ambient Occlusion: Disable
-Postprocess Quality: Disable
-Bloom: 0%
-Rotation Blur: 0%
sceneComplexity=200000; --> (cpu limited again!!!)
shadowZDistance=150; --> you wont see the difference, but notice the fps boost!
-cpuCount=3 -maxMem=16384 -noSplash -noPause
Quota Moofers:"Intel i7 4770K, GTX 580 1.5GB, 8GB DDR3 Ram, no issues looking into the city, but it does dip looking north though, at the hotel."
Sure thing ... well i'll believe you if just put up a short Video in a big city with framescounter on, constantley at 60fps ... You wont achieve that, cause that issue is major problem of the Arma2 engine base. All you guys supposed to have no framedrops in cities, put objects to high, go to a medium city as cherno and get some programm that can show you fps ingame. Framedrop means getting down from an avg rate of 60 to an avg rate of 20-30 in cities or when u look at them. Well, you wont recognize a big hit on performance if you are already playing at a avg rate of just 20-30fps.
Not the best mulicore optimization, even 4 cores wont get used a 100%. Way worse is the fact, that the engine is rendering all builings/objects in your sightline, even those, that are covered by other buildings/objects. Thats the reason for the fps drops in cities and the low gpu utilisation, since your graphics board has to wait for your cpu that renders every object in your sightline.
So, i got two questions on bohemia:
- Will you improve the engine in a way that it can use more cores effectivley (talking about 4 cores minimum up to 8 Cores/Threads)?
- Will you change that bad habbit of the engine to render every object in sightnline, no matter if you can see those objects or not?
If they dont change this 2 major issues of the engine, theres no way in the next 6 years to play Daisy always smooth at high settings (meaning espacially objects on hight) at any location on the map. Right now, there is no system, even real Intel 6 core cpus clocked up to 4,5 - 5 ghz, that can handle daisy on high settings in cities at avg framerate of 50-55.
@insanaty U could use afterburner instead of fraps, but if even just fraps drops your framerate, its hard to imagine your machine can power the game maxed out at an avg fpsrate of 35. Besides, if theres no method of messuring, how do you know about that 35 fps avg? Dont wanna attack you, but this is a really big issue in the game engine, the more reports of players bohemia gets, the higher is a chance that the problems gets solfed.
No, its def. not your Raid 0, only vrams matters when it comes to load graphic textures. Can you plz post a short video with everything maxed and const. 60frames while walking through cherno?
Use shadowplay for videos, not the best visuell quality, but it doesnt effects your performance at all. Turn vsyncs off and tell us your max. frames then, they should be way higher than your default 60. From 60 to 45 its not a big drop, but i bet you have an avg fps rate of about 80 in the wildness, and then an avg of 45 in cities would be a massive drop again. Thats why its really necessary to captcher that behavior in videos. Dont forget to turn off vsyncs if u just testing! We all know how important vsyncs can be, but if it comes to pure messuring, it's an problem!
How every guys, the performance has been slightly increased since the last update.