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- User Since
- Dec 26 2013, 3:14 PM (582 w, 1 h)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Mathelehrer edited Steps To Reproduce on T92941: Doing the "v" animation instead of going up the ladder..
Mathelehrer added a comment to T92777: Reset back to new character after server faild to load.
Your "additional information" clearly shows you did not understand the first window displayed in the game. This is alpha, for everybody who does not understand what this means, please stop reporting bugs.
Back to topic:
I have experienced that bug as well. Relogging to several servers sometimes brings your old character back (in cases where you're character was reset due to loading problems).
Mathelehrer added a comment to T92730: General lack of roadsigns on the northern part of the map.
dude, the map is not done yet. deal with it, early alpha
Mathelehrer added a comment to T92555: Mosin Nagant accuracy.
Okay, thanks for the replies, so it seems I just picked very bad Mosins then.
Seems then the "bug report" rather should be concerning the missing weapon condition, not the game mechanic.
Mathelehrer set Category to category:weapons on T92555: Mosin Nagant accuracy.
Mathelehrer set Category to category:inventory on T92553: Drag and drop items - only one a time..
Mathelehrer set Category to category:gamefreezes on T92551: Several game freezes after last update and rubberbanding..
Mathelehrer edited Steps To Reproduce on T92549: Blurred screen.