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- User Since
- Jul 28 2015, 5:41 PM (500 w, 6 d)
Feb 21 2018
eh what? Adding both + and - to analogue throttle? I'm pretty sure that won't work..Ima try that out
Feb 4 2018
Oct 19 2017
still with the normal Csat uniform, zafir and rco ,, the shoulder is blocking your sight..
is it really that hard to make the envgs behave like normal NVGs ? It's Oktober now, the post is dated March..
Can you please look into this? this issue makes a stealth Uniform for Nato UK totally useless. The googles remain on the helmet and don't fold down into the face so your eyes are covered while wearing a stealth baclava.
Aug 3 2017
Jul 28 2017
Can you plz finally fix this issue?? so the ENVGs are actually in front of your eyes covering the face and not on the helmet???
Apr 27 2017
So I saw that while you're sitting in a pawnee, the envg's are actually in your face if turned on..if you turn them off, the completely vanish from the helmet..As Inf, outside a vehicle, they are just on your helmet and don'T move into your face when you activate them
Mar 29 2017 in this video it seems to be right..slightly muffled but not fully gone
Mar 22 2017
I got the same issue, with or without soundmods..I think the newly implemented system that changes the way shots can be heard isn't working quite well
Mar 10 2017
Mar 5 2017
Feb 11 2017
Feb 9 2017
what? I'm on the current stable built..Everybody I know got that issue..Are you sure you took a Zafir and RCO or ARCO, like in the video?? you have to crouch-walk forward to reproduce it..while aiming down the sights..
Feb 8 2017
I'm sorry, it was the wrong link ..sorry :
Did you watch the video?? if you look through the RCO or ARCO , like in the video, you will see your body bugging into your view, like in the video..
Jan 31 2017
Did you test it Lex? It's fixed in dev built??
Jan 27 2017
that's nice..did not test it out..Still on the main branch for online gameplay. But thx for the info. So it appears they fixed it meanwhile..really nice
so it's already in the dev build ? that's nice
Jan 15 2017
Well it says so in the wiki: If u turn it off, wind is off, rain sound is off etc. or am I mistaking?
Jan 14 2017
May 10 2016
you do realize that the only thing that changed was your patch right?? Everything worked fine.. And no, my drivers are up to date, my temps are all normal and I won't disable the steam overlay only because of this game..I've had enough with this patching madness..
I'm using babemidtex replacement, Megagoth's soundmod plus his sonic cracks.. all worked fine for a long time.. the other ppl do not use any mod and experience the same on vanilla. I also figured out that HE explosions (KATIBA GL in my case) were not audible in some cases in distances beyond 20-40m.. no explosion sound at all..Did you fix the MAR sound ??
Adam, for the love of god, can you please fix that?? I have no idea what you guys are doing, but WE are actually playing the game.. If you're a drone operator and the god damn map view always auto center on the uav, again and again when you close map, you're pretty close to destroying your keyboard or mouse..
Can somebody help me with the steps for ppjoy and glovepie again? had it in arma2, was fine, but I remember it was weird to set it up