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- User Since
- Mar 6 2013, 5:04 PM (629 w, 5 d)
May 9 2016
May 9 2016
LTTHOM edited Steps To Reproduce on T59594: AI has no immidiate response when fired upon.
LTTHOM edited Steps To Reproduce on T59592: No sound when climbing ladders and when I first get on quad..
LTTHOM edited Steps To Reproduce on T59589: Once you kill a guy he sinks into the ground for a moment and then comes back up..
LTTHOM added a comment to T59580: Animations of diver underwater movement are too fast..
As a fellow diver, I concur.
LTTHOM added a comment to T59579: Diver's guns seems to have no effect on land.
As an additional note, the guns do seem to work better on land in close range. Again, though, I don't know if it was designed this way intentionally as they are capable of shooting in water.
LTTHOM edited Steps To Reproduce on T59579: Diver's guns seems to have no effect on land.
LTTHOM edited Steps To Reproduce on T59568: no damage after explosives.
LTTHOM edited Steps To Reproduce on T59567: Water transitions to land are poor.
LTTHOM added a comment to T59139: Track IR will not work.
I believe you should update your drivers on TRACKIR. Once I did this and then enabled the TRackIR again, everything was ok. Good luck!