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Kizeko (Paul)


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User Since
Nov 6 2020, 9:24 PM (229 w, 29 m)

Recent Activity

Nov 7 2020

Kizeko added a comment to T151736: AimChange and other bugs.

functions partially worked up to version 1.8, and in version 1.8 they completely broke functions.
although in patch 1.8 they wrote that they fixed it, Expansion also had a theme, but they idiots did not see that the functions did not work, and so on.
idiots wrote the countdown, but could not check the functions.

in patch 1.8 it was written that it was fixed
Added: Ability to set aimChange for non-player entities
Fixed: Spawning projectiles fired by non-player entities

but in fact that nifiga does not work, I will even say more, it has become even more inoperative.

In addition to this report, I wrote in the off-forum, as well as in the personal messages of ImpulZ and Sumrak, as a result, everyone ignored me.
and keep in mind that the game is for Ukraine, the game costs a lot of money compared to other countries

for a whole year they cannot fix 2 small functions, I am not saying that they do not add anything to modding at all,

promised a major patch in 1.10, but in fact it turned out to be a dummy

Nov 7 2020, 2:19 PM · DayZ Modding, DayZ

Nov 6 2020

Kizeko added a comment to T151736: AimChange and other bugs.

Geez, I would like to clarify, should we expect a fix for this issue in version 1.10?

Nov 6 2020, 10:11 PM · DayZ Modding, DayZ