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- User Since
- Aug 22 2013, 8:08 PM (604 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Katane added a comment to T76284: We need a military transport aircraft..
Really good Idea !
I can't wait for it !
Katane added a comment to T75369: custom mission starts with all task states as complete.....
Same problem here ....
Katane edited Steps To Reproduce on T75023: WY-55 hellcat issue.
Katane added a comment to T74294: Poor sound positioning.
Nice report ! I notice that too, in CQB with my team, it was really difficult to find an ennemy using the shots direction sound. Sometimes i heard it at the right side, and the ennemy was close on my left !
I think it's not easy to correct that for the devs, but it's really important, and so usefull.
Katane added a comment to T71550: Crash in multiplayer after 30 min.
Problem solved ! Rigth click on Arma 3.exe -> proprieties -> compatibilities -> and UNCHECK "disable desktop theme".
Now it seems to work fine. (sry i'm french)
Katane edited Steps To Reproduce on T71550: Crash in multiplayer after 30 min.