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User Since
Dec 22 2013, 5:09 AM (585 w, 5 d)

Recent Activity

Jun 24 2016

KIO added a comment to T118672: Render bug when looking from a specific angle close to a wall.

It is much more prevalent than just the sheds... I think it is the new renderer culling being very aggressive.
I think it does culling around players (as in my screenshots below) and even own player character - can sometimes see the forest vanish when you are running up a hill.

Jun 24 2016, 11:50 PM · DayZ
KIO added a comment to T118707: 0.60: white square showing at the center of the screen for a split second.

Saw it before too. No special occassion, just happened.

Jun 24 2016, 11:46 PM · DayZ
KIO added a comment to T118346: Cannot logout without restarting the game.

Found the solution to this problem. Having "-nosplash -nointro" as launch parameters stops the world from loading for the main menu.
I assume that the 0.60 version explicitly relies on the main menu world to have been loaded prior to going back to the main menu from a server. This probably wasn't the case for the previous versions as I had those launch parameters since game launch.
Or, possibly, it is the culling trying to poll the character to render and there is no rendered character.. Finger in the sky at this stage.

Jun 24 2016, 11:32 PM · DayZ

Jun 20 2016

KIO created T118354: 0.60 stable Still consistent gunshot sound issues like since release.
Jun 20 2016, 8:21 PM · DayZ
KIO added a comment to T118346: Cannot logout without restarting the game.

Agreed. Same problem for me and my friend.

Jun 20 2016, 8:16 PM · DayZ

May 10 2016

KIO added a comment to T87930: Using the Mosin with the long range scope..

I would say 300m is when the gun of the character first becomes visible. Completely invisible at 400m. Character with body parts appears around 250m.
Zombies can be seen with naked eye from at least 700m (from top of the new apartments north of Balota to the far end of the airfield itself), so can be player flashlight, not the players themselves.

Edit: my view distance is default/higher than default between the settings

May 10 2016, 3:58 PM · DayZ