User Details
- User Since
- Apr 28 2015, 6:14 PM (516 w, 5 d)
May 11 2016
he is in this server now :
name: POWER
TIME : 19:52 [ GMT 8+ ]
his in on streaming now,, please check it out :
his new account is play same server with this guy [WOLF]Boluo(id=76561198089388545)
he has use another steam account , but in game name still use "POWER "
you should track his ip record ,some times he use vpn access to abused a vac ban,so just look those ip from mainland china with is his true ip
they are the one who spreading cheating scripts in Chinese dayz community,and the way to threatening people like a gangster
"IF U REPORT ME . I WILL TRACKING YOU wherever you are and break your legs all the times" ------ from his stream channel
UID:76561198173225493 - pls check this UID and ban ,... i mean all of his account should get ban as well
[WOLF]Lone Wolf" (id=76561198184400350)
i get some more UID , alll is his teammates
POWER 76561198173225493
buoluo 76561198089388545
lala 76561198178484965
HOuZh1 76561198173195699
HeifA 76561198178537125
Itsvan-.- 76561198185717545
Clearlove 76561198173195699
he always play with above id,and he said he can buy a new copy if get ban,sorry for my english
this guy get original script from russian hacker and sell in china dayz community
im a private server ownner and i know what he did according to admin log and his clan community side
0.58 still have this problem , i have received alots of reports of this, they all just suddenly died or killed by 1 shot
Server: -Private Hive
Host: Multiplay
Logs provided from ClanForge
07:53:21 | "MFNB(uid=76561198172400894) was KILLED by Error: No vehicle(uid=)."
Simply validate my servers files and problem solved but it's take 1and half days to waiting vilayer reply... This is make me sad.. I'm sad about attitude of vilayer support service
I have been ignored here as well...........
server just crashed again me pls
so i updated here
So dev have no idea in this case ?