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- User Since
- Jan 16 2017, 9:48 PM (424 w, 7 h)
Mar 21 2017
Note I have not tested this since 1.68 dropped however I believe this was not messed with
If you would like to duplicate this at any given time join my unit. (Hostile Takeover) and join any nearly full HT KOTH server.
Feb 16 2017
DanielNL has not updated to 1.68 yet bro
Feb 14 2017
I have not tried it yet (Gone til the weekend) but have heard its all good now in dev build! Thanks Alwin
Feb 7 2017
Feb 6 2017
Any update on if the test server worked/collected the information that was needed? Is there anything else we can do to help this along?
Cool I am exited to see how it works out. Thank you
Feb 3 2017
I think a transparant background helps/fixes this
My argument is that for KOTH & I assume similar less mil-sim game modes the option to remove it would be overwhelmingly supported. KOTH is a huge game mode with hundreds of thousands of individual players, if needed I can show you server numbers where jets are enabled and ever since CCIP was enabled servers numbers have dwindled big time and everyone is moving to infantry only. There are a lot of die hard jet fans out there but its broken in KOTH at the moment. Please offer us the opportunity to disable it in mission settings as one of the heads of the community I guarantee it would be a very productive change to our game mode. Again I am not asking that it go's away completely because I see the use/enjoyment out of it in a mil sim scenario but my expertise is in KOTH and it is imperative we have the ability to remove it on our servers before they die out.
Jan 27 2017
Jan 24 2017
We nearly filled the server today and multiple people reported having the glitch in game durring the test run
HT is going to bring people as well
Thanks @Alwin
Jan 18 2017
@mohamed117 AGHHHHHHHHHHHHH. You know what... You are welcome.
Jan 17 2017
I want to add that this also occurs regularly for me in an escape from tanoa game and an A3 wasteland servers on dedicated boxes with great connections. Has happened on both altis and tanoa maps. Just more info to add.
Jan 16 2017
This is a really big issue for King of The hill communities & I assume any community that runs servers with high population. Hostile Takeover is loosing a lot of players with TONS of hours in server because of this semi game breaking issue.