The release of the CCIP/Targeting pods has drastically changed the game-play of King of the Hill and likely many other PVP game modes. In the case of our KOTH servers we can either leave it on or disable all targeting via the in game difficulty settings (not really an option for vehicle servers). With the impending release of the Jets DLC we really need the ability to turn the CCIP/Targeting pods off in our server settings without changing the rest of the servers difficulty settings. Now that jets is going to be a full DLC and obviously a focus of BI I think this option would keep jet v jet combat from getting somewhat stagnant.
I understand that real life/simulated jets use this CCIP and agree it makes perfect sense to have it as an option but I also believe that missions like KOTH and other PVP missions that are a bit more casual will thrive if we can easily turn that feature off on jets as they heavily change the in game balance of power when you have combat between infantry, vehicles & air. Our servers just need the option to bring jets back to the way they were before this update! I believe that this request would be backed by nearly %100 of the KOTH community.
Need an option for server owners/managers to disable the Jet CCIP/Targeting pods.
Thank you,
Jakob HT
Hostile Takeover Online Gaming Community