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- User Since
- Apr 7 2013, 9:55 AM (622 w, 12 h)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Jakcson edited Steps To Reproduce on T73759: Add a lefthanded mode.
Jakcson added a comment to T70714: Air lifting/ paradrop vehicals.
I think the devs are going to implement ToH flightmodel into ArmA 3 correct me if i'm wrong
Jakcson edited Steps To Reproduce on T69493: Please make uniforms not locked to that side only..
Jakcson edited Steps To Reproduce on T69451: AI will not open inventory in a heli..
Jakcson added a comment to T69312: Prone-to-Standing Issue.
I think this auto-stand system is just retarted
Jakcson added a comment to T69010: Medics, Engineers, AT/AA Soldiers and EODs are unable to take their special equipment with them on parajumps.
would work just fine as well
Jakcson added a comment to T69010: Medics, Engineers, AT/AA Soldiers and EODs are unable to take their special equipment with them on parajumps.
Maeby they could add new units called Men (Para) wich would have the special vest Ect.
Jakcson added a comment to T68442: CLOSE THIS.
I Also think that because logically if I must choose between land or water even at a gentle angle I choose water
Jakcson edited Steps To Reproduce on T68442: CLOSE THIS.
Jakcson added a comment to T67071: Enhance reality by implementing more real body reaction to various (bullet) impacts....
You are absolutely right The Mythbusters did an episode on that they proved that
bullets move a body about as much as light wind so... down voted.
Jakcson edited Steps To Reproduce on T65274: Sounds gone after team switch caused by death..