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- User Since
- Mar 5 2013, 6:25 PM (625 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
JaFuzz added a comment to T66246: Physical objects cause breakable objects (fences, lamp posts) to fall down without direct contact.
Confirmed all fixed :)
JaFuzz added a comment to T66246: Physical objects cause breakable objects (fences, lamp posts) to fall down without direct contact.
Objects are still falling over. They dont fall over for any vehicles anymore but whilst on foot they still do.
JaFuzz added a comment to T66135: Objects fall down on dedicated server.
Im also experiencing this in the latest patch (25/05/2013)
I have manually added walls/objects/lampposts and when ever another player joins local or dedicated host all objects would fall.
JaFuzz added a comment to T63347: Walking under water.
Can no longer recreate this issue :)
JaFuzz edited Steps To Reproduce on T63347: Walking under water.
JaFuzz edited Steps To Reproduce on T63298: Map Glitch, Walk-in Walls.
May 9 2016
May 9 2016
JaFuzz added a comment to T61847: AI has to high awareness and too high accuracy at long ranges.
Hacking AI, They shoot us from 300+ meters within a few shots, if not the first...They spin around and shoot at us if we sneak up to them... Not only that, When they go prone at 300+ meters they disappear into the ground making them invisible
JaFuzz edited Steps To Reproduce on T58564: Quad Bike Flipping Hunters.