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- User Since
- Mar 16 2013, 10:29 PM (628 w, 8 h)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
I34dKarma edited Steps To Reproduce on T73511: Site Module Improvements For Non Military Areas.
I34dKarma edited Steps To Reproduce on T69368: Xbox Controller Scheme: Add Option To Disable Vibration.
I34dKarma added a comment to T64209: Alt-tab at night causes stange colours.
I can confirm this. I was in the editor previewing a night mission. While I had the game paused I alt tabbed out to check something on the wiki. Then tabbed back in and saw similar results. Lots of colored dots and other odd effects. I hit escape and suspend back to the editor and previewed the mission again and saw the same odd color effects.
Nvidia GeForce 580
I34dKarma edited Steps To Reproduce on T63853: Nvidia PhysX Crash To Desktop.