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- User Since
- Dec 18 2013, 10:51 PM (587 w, 1 d)
Jan 23 2025
Jun 21 2016
Yes, can confirm this. Drive vehicle anywhere near another vehicle and it simply get stuck and wont move.
May 11 2016
The same issue, ie. characters not moving limbs even when they are running etc, happens to me when I have weapon in hands (I am not even double carrying) and I press number on hotbar to take out say binoculars.
This, for me, almost everytime glitches the animations, that people see me moving around with body stuck in one position.
How to replicate:
Put some item onto hotbar, preferably canteen or binoculars.
Put your weapon into your hands.
Press number on hotbar to take out binoculars.
Put your weapon back into your hands preferably also by using hotbar.
Have somebody near you to confirm if the animations during running are stuck or not. For me, they almost every time get stuck like that.
I saw it, but seemed unable to pick it up anyway.
Yes, same here. I also almost never get reloading animation.
Can't wait for this to be fixed.
we mostly play on full servers so I suspect this was happening on full or nearly full servers. So I think that servers were under some strain although I do not recall having any noticeable desync or such.
Also sometimes I could see the dropped item,but my buddy couldn't and vice versa. Relog would fix this, but it could reappear with another stuff dropped (happened a lot since we carried 2 rifles).
Can confirm, had that on this exp as well.
Seems the persistency needs a bit more work, maybe that's why servers are crashing so often as well.
May 10 2016
Very annoying and ingame "life" threatening bug.
Weird, do not have any problems like that.
Perhaps attach dxdiag log or something.
Happens to me as well, very annoying. Shines through buildings as well as through hills. Attached picture as well.
Happens to me as well, super annoying. This issue was reported several times, maybe mods could delete duplicated reports of this problem.
Ok guys did some testing and it appears, that this problem with sun shining through buildings and hills appeared to me ONLY when I changed stuff in cfg files. Try to move your dayz.cfg and *.DayZProfile away from documents/dayz, launch the game and it will create new cfg and profile file. This might fix your sun problem!!
Guys I also had this bug, where I could see sun glare through buildings and mountains. What helped me, was strangely totally stupid thing. I removed DayZ SA through steam, reinstalled it, then I updated to latest AMD drivers 14.1 (I have Radeon HD7870 2GB) and voila, I no longer have this problem.
I am not sure it will help other players, but please try it yourself,for me it worked.
EDIT:After a day, this problem returned,I again see sun through objects and hills :-(. I did not change anything,but it simply returned.
My specs i-5 4770K, 8GB DDR3 and Radeon HD7870 2GB, Win7 HP,
Steps to reproduce: for me it's just playing the game, I immediately see it. Must be clear weather though, during storms and raining it is not that visible.