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User Since
Dec 7 2013, 8:48 PM (584 w, 5 d)

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May 10 2016

HELL-KILLER-Fr edited Steps To Reproduce on T86188: Building occupation of Sites modules is broken.
May 10 2016, 12:59 PM · Arma 3
HELL-KILLER-Fr edited Steps To Reproduce on T86187: Intro not imported from 2D Editor to EDEN.
May 10 2016, 12:59 PM · Arma 3
HELL-KILLER-Fr added a comment to T85766: Revive make impossible for playable Zeus to open interface.

Uploaded to Attached files!

Zeus is assigned to the Logged Admin. The mission will appeared as "Feedback issue 27400" in MP mission selector.

May 10 2016, 12:47 PM · Arma 3
HELL-KILLER-Fr edited Steps To Reproduce on T85766: Revive make impossible for playable Zeus to open interface.
May 10 2016, 12:47 PM · Arma 3
HELL-KILLER-Fr added a comment to T85504: Revive glitch allowing to move and shoot normally.

I don't know why somebody downvotes this issue (except if he didn't realized we were talking about the official revive system).
This issue is not only present in End Game but in all missions using this new revive system.

This glitch permit to fire and move (but you can't revive somebody else or use the action menu) which is really annoying in Multiplayer.

Steps To Reproduce:

  1. Throw a grenade on your feet in End Game.
  2. When incapacitated, press "C" (or the key you use to deploy your bipod)
  3. Press "C" again
  4. Now you can run and fire

I have attached some screenshots so you can see what it looks like (sorry but my game is in french).

May 10 2016, 12:39 PM · Arma 3