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- User Since
- Jul 31 2014, 2:28 PM (552 w, 5 d)
May 11 2016
Hello man
yep, sometimes on the medical kits aswell, you have to put them off, and sometimes it appears, or sometimes only after putting them on again, same with the medkit!
Hey man, same happened to me but a male zombie hit me(standard black shirt one i think?) altough the female was with him around but he hit me
and was also in hardcore!! was on a Hill btw
oh,and on this current stable build aswell
Hello man
Yes, you can try solutions but as soon as it crashes it will become more common
The same as you, if i restart the computer it will "reset" sometimes, but others does not help!!
I was able to once again search a few more posts online,
I have tried relocating Physx(Nvidia) from GPU to CPU, is helped a little bit
(this is after changing Physx to CPU)when the game is about the crash, color correction??(i am not sure) changes completely, but after a few times happening it crashes(after a lot of visual glitches, buildings start to change their shadow values, goes from bright to dark but this normally does not happen before the crash!
Arma 2 is also affected by this, i could track posts since 2010 with the same problem, people sometimes stop answering on the forums do not know if they solved it or if they just gave up and updated the vídeo card!
there are ideas to use launch parameters such as -nobenchmark but since dayz is launched on steam, is there no way??(one or two people sayed it worked, most of them sayed it remains the same)
Bios changing or updating(can someone confirm if it is related?)
just put "display driver stopped responding and has recovered" on Google, then if you want, put arma 2 on front to read related forums!!
I just wanted to know, is this a kind of problem that the user itself has to repair?? or can i receive some help from the BI team??
not sure if known but this crash is a crash from the visual kernel driver and not the game itself, the game just keeps running on the background i just cannot Alt + Tab in!!
also since .47 i can no longer use the "flush" command to get back in
Hello again!!!
as soon as i get home i will upload it then!!!
in this build it still happens altough much less frequently(or i had luck so far)
Hello there again!!!
the file is there as asked!!
not sure if usefull but the game crashes ingame or in the menu(idle)
May 10 2016
They are man
The thing is as you said there are so many copies of the same bugs it is counter productive to check again and again, there must be one confirmed by them
And by writing i confirmed it and also voted
Hello guys
Matt already answered i believe, they are aware of it!!
Next build should be fixed,!
da hell,
that wiki file is a vírus or is my anti vírus tripping?