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- User Since
- Mar 11 2013, 9:40 PM (623 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Effete_Denizen added a comment to T72379: Unable to exit Jets after belly landing.
Uploaded a video to illustrate it.
Effete_Denizen edited Steps To Reproduce on T72379: Unable to exit Jets after belly landing.
Effete_Denizen edited Steps To Reproduce on T68876: Recently picked up backpacks left behind when riding vehicles.
Effete_Denizen edited Steps To Reproduce on T62541: No SFX at Kill Farm.
Effete_Denizen added a comment to T62494: All text is very hard to read.
I also think that the font colour used for Waypoints needs to be changed to one with more contrast.
The current shade of green is too dull and it can be difficult to discern it from the terrain.
16:10 Aspect Ratio
All graphical settings maxed.
May 9 2016
May 9 2016
Effete_Denizen added a comment to T62256: Vehicles act like rubber - no weight simulated.
I found the same, the vehicle handled quite realistically until you get some speed up, lose contact with the ground for a second and the physics engine decides to start playing with it.
I think they should cut their losses and remove the physics, it really detracts from the realism =(