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- User Since
- Apr 28 2015, 1:13 AM (512 w, 3 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
Dethorhyne edited Steps To Reproduce on T115594: Reloading a pistol with no magazine loads all ammo.
Dethorhyne edited Steps To Reproduce on T115593: Unable to empty gasoline canister.
Dethorhyne edited Steps To Reproduce on T115592: Swapping weapon with ammo causes ammo loss.
Dethorhyne edited Steps To Reproduce on T110499: Bad player model placement while climbing ladder on red industrial building.
Dethorhyne added a comment to T110498: Player going to crouch before vaulting.
yes, also a similar occurance is standing up while eating food or performing any other action that's available in all 3 positions
Dethorhyne added a comment to T110498: Player going to crouch before vaulting.
It still happens and it's just as random.
Dethorhyne edited Steps To Reproduce on T110498: Player going to crouch before vaulting.
Dethorhyne added a comment to T110480: Close ticket please.
Phas3r, I believe this is related to just holding right mouse button while moving to look around etc. not specifically to holding breath while aiming down sight/optics.