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User Since
Feb 4 2014, 12:00 PM (578 w, 2 d)

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May 10 2016

DayZPaladin added a comment to T94732: Decreasing FPS to Total Game Freeze.

Agreed I see a direct correlation between rain and low fps,however it also seems to be something that happens over time like a memory leak.

May 10 2016, 8:05 PM · DayZ
DayZPaladin added a comment to T94688: Extremely FPS-drops after new patch!!! From ~ 40 fps to 5-10 fps!!!.

I am a server admin and assumed it was the server having an issue. Playing with 4 friends and FPS was around 5fps. Restarted server and it was even worse. Tried two more restarts with not improvement. All of our pings were around 30-50ms and no desync. Please push a hot fix to resolve this.

For us we saw a correlation between rain/thunder and this issue.

May 10 2016, 8:03 PM · DayZ
DayZPaladin edited Steps To Reproduce on T94511: Health Meter Stuck on "STUFFED".
May 10 2016, 7:56 PM · DayZ
DayZPaladin edited Steps To Reproduce on T94510: 2 Primary Weapons at Logoff.
May 10 2016, 7:56 PM · DayZ
DayZPaladin added a comment to T94492: Can't respawn -- "you are dead" on joining any server.

Having same issue here. Wouldn't mind a time roleback to before I was dead. ;)

May 10 2016, 7:55 PM · DayZ
DayZPaladin added a comment to T94492: Can't respawn -- "you are dead" on joining any server.

Okay so was able to log into another Hardcore server play for about 10 minutes then go back to my server and the "You are Dead" was fixed.

May 10 2016, 7:55 PM · DayZ
DayZPaladin added a comment to T94492: Can't respawn -- "you are dead" on joining any server.

Same thing about 2 hours later, "you are dead" with no option to respawn.

May 10 2016, 7:55 PM · DayZ