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- User Since
- Aug 4 2017, 8:51 AM (396 w, 3 d)
May 19 2020
May 19 2020
Camokid95 added a comment to T151054: White Suit Jacket Texture Missing.
To add: It only appears to be missing it's texture when it's used on the character. When the item is placed in a storage container, or placed on the ground it's texture remains intact.
Aug 22 2018
Aug 22 2018
Camokid95 added a comment to T131274: The game does not start.
This appears to be similar to my ticket as well. I noticed files keep missing as well when I look at the crashdump logs. I can play 0.63, but when I try to revert to 0.62, it still won't start the game pass the logo. However, mine crashes without an exception window. I wonder if it has to do with Windows...
Camokid95 added a comment to T131040: Start Permissions & Crash.
Still encountering 0.62 crash related issues, anyone find a fix?
Aug 6 2017
Aug 6 2017
Camokid95 added a comment to T125540: Dayz Constant Crashes.
Just would like to mention this is happening to me still in 0.62 stable...