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User Since
Dec 20 2013, 2:03 AM (584 w, 4 d)

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May 10 2016

BushmasterTD edited Steps To Reproduce on T89795: Cannot Melee Zombies indoors of residential buildings.
May 10 2016, 5:10 PM · DayZ
BushmasterTD added a comment to T89794: 7.62mm Cardboard Ammo box is really 5.56mm.

ok, checked this morning and now the "empty" command was showing up, wasnt showing the other day. Although the box still reads 5.56 on the 7.62 box ;)

May 10 2016, 5:10 PM · DayZ
BushmasterTD added a comment to T89794: 7.62mm Cardboard Ammo box is really 5.56mm.

I did right click the box but i dont remember ever getting the prompt to remove from box, will check again this morning and update findings.

May 10 2016, 5:10 PM · DayZ
BushmasterTD edited Steps To Reproduce on T89794: 7.62mm Cardboard Ammo box is really 5.56mm.
May 10 2016, 5:10 PM · DayZ
BushmasterTD added a comment to T89513: Climb Ladder action launched me off roof.

Happened on the ATC in balota also. Climbed to top and when I went to climb down launched me off the side.

May 10 2016, 5:00 PM · DayZ
BushmasterTD added a comment to T89458: T3N RDS Optics.

Will post a vid and a screen shot tomorrow, same issue.

May 10 2016, 4:58 PM · DayZ
BushmasterTD added a comment to T89458: T3N RDS Optics.

There are a few screenshots, uploading the video was taking too long lol.

May 10 2016, 4:58 PM · DayZ
BushmasterTD added a comment to T88013: Items temporarily disappearing when dropped on the ground..

Happens to me also with alot of different items. Have tested with all ammo, various cans of food, soda's, canteens, first aid kits and random other items.

May 10 2016, 4:02 PM · DayZ
BushmasterTD added a comment to T87500: Handcuff key disappears after one time use..

confirmed here as well.

May 10 2016, 3:40 PM · DayZ
BushmasterTD added a comment to T87316: Gunshots are too quiet.

DId some testing with the Mosin. Testing was conducted within 2 meters of my friend, fired ran 10 meters (Distance approx)then fired. Repeated this process until the report of the gun was silent. When report fell silence i paced off the distance wich came out to 59 player steps used with walking speed.

Also fired over friends head into wall at 100 meters and no sound.

May 10 2016, 3:33 PM · DayZ
BushmasterTD added a comment to T86452: Portable gas lamp does not cast light.

Also happened to me, used with both a medium and large canister. Got actual light to emit once, but after that just messed up vision (turned screen black) and when cut off vision went back to normal.

May 10 2016, 1:09 PM · DayZ