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- Mar 7 2013, 3:34 AM (627 w, 16 h)
May 10 2016
Hi guys, thanks for the replies!
Yes, I'm referring to the polymer shroud which is found on the FS2000 "Standard" version.
From my understanding, there are two F2000's (not counting the FS2000's) currently: the normal version with the shroud and 1.6x optic and the Slovenian version (F2000S) with the carry-handle picatinny rail. Of the two, I think the former would (and should) be the default version in the game as it is the normal military variant. The scopes underneath should be optional -- either the 1.6x with a black reticle, or a red dot (since the c-more railway actually fits in real life). To top it off, the top of the shroud actually has BUIS molded in, so the user could switch back to that if they so choose.
One reason I think this would be beneficial in this simulation is because if there is any mud, dirt, rain, or debris which can be kicked up onto the scopes or added as such as a mod in the future, the shrouded units should be immune to that. With that being said, the user should have the ability to remove the cover if needed, and replace the scope accordingly with whatever they so choose.
The optional system would be the Fire Control System which was created along with the launcher.
I think this would be a great optional system since it would fit directly in with the 2030+ timeframe, and nothing right now really shouts 'advanced'. This could replace the standard micro dot which is now on all of the default launchers.
As for the MK20 in beta, it's an oddball system. It is a FS2000 'Tactical' with a 18.5 inch barrel, monolith arms foregrip w/vertical rail, reciprocating charging handle (wrong), and a rather odd paint job. I don't know if the developers are having issues with using real names, but there is no denying this is supposed to model an F2000. Heck, even the placement of the logo and writing/serial numbers are in the same place!
Overall, I think that this is a military sim and everything is trying to be as accurate as possible, the F2000 should be modelled as such.
May 9 2016
Ya.. I've been playing since day 1 of Operation Flashpoint.. and this is most certainly going in the right direction.
As well, if you're sitting on the back of the MH6, you can't see the rear-end of the helicopter.
This isn't a bug. The new Eotechs can have either 1, 2, 3, or 4 dots at/near the center. The -2 for some of the Eotech products denote this 2nd dot. The 2nd dot is for engaging targets at 400m.. but I don't know if this is accurate in the game or not.