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- User Since
- Jan 23 2014, 3:17 AM (580 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
yup, same here.. tried walking down metal stairs in southern airstrip control tower.. few steps away from being all the way down (after long minutes of 1-2 fps), and then i'm down, legs broken, and pants + items ruined
yeah, i'd have to agree with wickedinsane, and some others - it is not all servers that show intent on killing you pr. memory leak - but those that does, omfg! took a screenshot of my task manager after running with 1-2 fps for a minute, and damn.. dayz was sucking up more than 1.2 million KB of memory
yeah, i have found that rather impossible too.. adding 32.114557 wasn't possible for me, let alone 0.32.114557
door blocked by trashbin
yeah, i ran into the same trashbin in tulga..
added "DayZ 2014-01-23 15-23-47-61(2).jpg" to pinpoint the exact house on map
since the recent maintenance, i've tried to track down "daytime only" / "daytime 24/7" servers, with moderate success - found 5-6 daytime servers within my filter settings, and guess what? night servers, the whole bunch of them, and only after the recent maintenance took place
ever since the new stable branch was implemented - god what a nuisance it is, having the game "choke", and eventually freeze up and stop responding