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- User Since
- Mar 7 2013, 2:31 AM (626 w, 6 d)
May 9 2016
May 9 2016
BenjaminSchiff edited Steps To Reproduce on T61054: Odd radio echo.
BenjaminSchiff added a comment to T61051: Vehical leaves midway through animation and a frame of said animation remains + other issue regaurding....
Understood I'll get on it as soon as possible
BenjaminSchiff added a comment to T61050: No footstep sounds when walking on certain objects..
Guessing that they'll add the sounds later, however I've had the same issue while walking on bolder.
BenjaminSchiff added a comment to T61045: NLAW is supossed to be a 'fire and forget' weapon.
I made the mistake of writing Fire and Forget, that term is used for the rocket not having something like SACLOS guidance like a TOW. It is not field re-loadable, that was my meaning.
BenjaminSchiff edited Steps To Reproduce on T61045: NLAW is supossed to be a 'fire and forget' weapon.
BenjaminSchiff added a comment to T61044: Aiming and distance showing.
To my understanding this goes away in Expert difficulty, if this is not the case as it was in Arma 2, it surely will be at some point.
BenjaminSchiff added a comment to T61037: taking cover dosin't help with explosives..
I've had this issue with standard frags, the damage appears to go through concrete and other objects, specifically the shipping containers in and around the airfield.