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- User Since
- Dec 19 2013, 10:38 AM (587 w, 3 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
BTmanlick edited Steps To Reproduce on T104258: Unable to join any sever.
BTmanlick set Category to category:performance on T103606: Massive slowdown and buildings rendering/unrendering.
BTmanlick set Category to category:performance on T103605: Massive slowdown and buildings rendering/unrendering.
BTmanlick added a comment to T103605: Massive slowdown and buildings rendering/unrendering.
accidental duplicate of
BTmanlick added a comment to T103422: [PRIMARY REPORT] 0.49 - 0.58 Performance and graphics issues.
seems to be server dependent
BTmanlick added a comment to T103422: [PRIMARY REPORT] 0.49 - 0.58 Performance and graphics issues.
video of it happening
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
BTmanlick added a comment to T96942: [Suggestion] Visible bullet with kind of tracer ammunition.
This is intentional, the config files have tracersEvery=0 for a reason. hopefully in the future you will be able to find tracer magazines.
BTmanlick added a comment to T96360: 100% for weapon spawn at the third floor of office/school building..
Do you have proof from game files that this is 100%?
BTmanlick set Category to category:environment on T89610: Sign in middle of street.
BTmanlick edited Steps To Reproduce on T89608: Fence clipping though shed.
BTmanlick edited Steps To Reproduce on T88661: Shed clipping through metal barn.
BTmanlick added a comment to T86591: Headlight not alligned.
Added screenshot