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- User Since
- Dec 14 2013, 7:48 AM (583 w, 6 d)
Aug 20 2020
Aug 20 2020
AlphaDog added a comment to T150594: Radios respawned in the Old Man safe house.
I can confirm that this issue is still occurring. The furniture being thrown around the house seems to occur when fast travelling to it. I too have had other areas spawn additional radios, such as the L'Ensemble camp to the southwest of the Old Man's home, though not to the extent of the radios in the main house. Here are some pictures:
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
AlphaDog edited Steps To Reproduce on T79843: taskState will not work in a trigger's condition..
AlphaDog added a comment to T74921: AI will not get in the driver's seat of a vehicle previously occupied by a player..
I can confirm that this issue still exists in version of Arma 3.
AlphaDog edited Steps To Reproduce on T74921: AI will not get in the driver's seat of a vehicle previously occupied by a player..
AlphaDog edited Steps To Reproduce on T74920: AI will not get in the driver's seat of a vehicle previously occupied by a player..