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- May 16 2014, 4:12 PM (564 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
Well i found out that the devs are working on a new engine for Dayz called Infusion. Maybe thats why the process of the game was slow.
Read the whole article, there is a lot of information from Rocket, especially the new architecture and the AI pathfinding, along with new animations.
Yes they are simple but the zombies are a problem because of their collision on objects, there is no, or limited objects can stop them. Also their pathfinding is like eagle vision, they can see me from 150m away in the standalone. You think that making that kind of AI is simple, and they have big plans for zombies later on, but it is hard to make something somewhere that isnt designed to make it. As far as the zombies in Arma III mod i dont know, i havent played Arma III mod, and ive seen all of the Frankies videos. Im just saying my experience on zombies in Arma II and Standalone.
And the mod is currently better than the standalone, just beacuse it has more features than the standalone, when the full game releases i can assure you that most of the problems will be fixed that they had in the mod and it will be a lot smoother gameplay.
We will never know why is it taking so much time for devs to keep "fixing" this game, and adding new features. But i agree with you, the mod has so much features, but you keep forgetting that the mod is far more online than the standalone, and a lot of the devs are not from Bohemia Interactive,and that its using an "improved" engine. I think they are trying to fix the netcode of the engine and zombie pathfinding and those things. Also Arma never had zombies in the game, its not even meant for them, thats why they are so bugged, and hard to develop. They come from the mod and i hope they are trying their best to fix them, and the AI isnt in the game that is even close to being similar for zombies. Arma is a military simulator not a game where they had resources to make the zombies great and the ingame loot system.
Its because of the game engine. Quake and Half-Life is a FPS game and they need a good netcode, but they lack the graphical details because they focused more on the game engine netcode. On the other hand Real Virtuality 3 is an engine that is very difficult to work with, and same as Cryengine and Frostbite engine lack the good netcode but they have breathtaking visuals. Especially Frostbite has a huge netcode issue because of the dynamic destruction and things like that. So give the developers more time, oh and BTW its not just the engine too, it can be the servers too. Hopefully im not wrong, but the current servers are 32 tick and they are changing to 64 tick in the following big patches so the time to start and finish is greatly reduced for the animations and movment ect. thus the gun play will be smoother and overall performance of the game. Its Alpha, many people dont understand this, that the game isnt even close to being finished, we have been warned that the game isnt finished and there are bugs. Thats why they have this feedback site so the devs can hear the community on all the bugs that we find. When the first review of the game came on gamespot, ive been looking through the comments, and ive seen a lot of hateful comments about the game, like shitty zombie pathfinding, poor performance, random deaths and agrovating bugs, ect. and only a handful of people understood that the game is not done. Sorry for the long reply. :P
Yea, and if this would have happened we would shit our pants everywhere, not just the big cities and airfields. And sure there are the choper crash sites but that wont change much. Maybe another airfield or like a very big military camp to fill up the far north of Chernarus. Or maybe later on when they add viechels and boats they could make that big military camp on an island, just to give more option on where to find guns, and to have more chance before you get brutally murdered on one of the airfields. :D
I agree, for more random loot spawns. Right now Berezino the new Elektra, since it has a lot of food and water resources, and all the "shooting action" is on NW, NE. Before the player spawn update, Balota was a deathmatch, and honestly i cant remember the last time i was in Balota. So the only good military spawns is on airfields and some hotspots witch have decent military spawns, witch is logical, but i think there should be more diverse military spawns or to decrease ammo and mag spawns.
Yea, and since they have now double the devs than planned so the progress will be faster. And they already have sold more than 2.000.000 copies of the game, but they mustnt rush this. They have to do one big problem at a time. And other departments work on minor bugs, i have really high hopes for this game. Also cant wait to implement the "epoch" things in it, such as building barricades and bases.
Yea, you are right, we drifted from topic a lot. XD The game is badly optimized and yea, its not just the devs problem, its the engine problem too, and much more factors including.
Bad choice of words, not unplayable, not enjoyable. And there are people that dont know Intel, Nvidia, just saying. And also Real Virtuality engine is badly optimized and very hard to run, so yea, you dont need to attack me for saying Intel, Nvidia. And besides, i can bet that you dont know what AMD cards are for. :P
Yea, your PC isnt the best, i have an FX 6300, MSI HD 7770, 8GB RAM, and in Berezino or bigger cities i get about 20 fps. It sounds that its a lot better than 9 fps, but believe me, its not, for me under 30-45 fps is unplayable. But in the woods i get 60+. Both the CPU and GPU is the problem, not just one component. So if you want to play this game "smoothly" i advise you to get a better PC, Intel and Nvidia components are my advice.
I think it happens when you drink a soda, while you are using it through the hotbar. I usually drink it the "manual" way, open my inventory and right click drink, and i dont have that kind of a problem anymore. I cant confirm that its going to help for everyone, it did for me.
I so rage quit once. Fully geared at NE Airfield, on top of the ATC, went down the ladder, and what do you know, i feel and died. Didnt play DayZ for a week.