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[Suggestion] random lootspots in houses
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there should be a random lootspot in houses with some equip from other equip types (like magazines or scopes)

this will give the game a new experience, therefore my other suggestions are not welcome


this would fits perfeclty in the "roadmap" of dayz developing with the respawn of loot while server is online.. you dont even need to be at this point of code development..

like put random/new tents with military stuff onto the map (at roads i.e. etc) ..this also will make the exploring a new experience and should not take that much development resources

the game is stil lhot and good - but needs uplift.. in loot mechanism and in locations

and spread the respawn-points (better also maybe with random item in inventory of freshspawn.. ?)


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e_xil edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jun 6 2014, 12:50 AM
e_xil set Category to Other.
e_xil set Reproducibility to Always.
e_xil set Severity to None.
e_xil set Resolution to Open.
e_xil set Legacy ID to 4235718678.May 8 2016, 6:29 PM
Bohemia added a subscriber: Bohemia.May 8 2016, 6:29 PM

Very good idea.

Like this, this stupid newby-killers can not kill them anymore.

e_xil added a subscriber: e_xil.May 8 2016, 6:29 PM
e_xil added a comment.Jun 6 2014, 1:04 AM

jea, but you cant prevent this from happening, some people will always be screwing, so what ever, there are good ways that this dont happen ;)

i heard of it, but i had that just two times, and i let many lives in playing 400 hours dayz;)

I agree, for more random loot spawns. Right now Berezino the new Elektra, since it has a lot of food and water resources, and all the "shooting action" is on NW, NE. Before the player spawn update, Balota was a deathmatch, and honestly i cant remember the last time i was in Balota. So the only good military spawns is on airfields and some hotspots witch have decent military spawns, witch is logical, but i think there should be more diverse military spawns or to decrease ammo and mag spawns.

e_xil added a comment.Jun 11 2014, 3:49 PM

true! it would spread the action a little bit and give newbs more chances! btw in such a scenario there would be more military spots then just on airfields.. it would be really nice if there would be some just somewhere at road or something..

and a random lootspot for every house type.. its not logical that always same types of loot is in the housetypes..

lets see what "bohemians" say to this.. because it cant be that much development for this stuff!

Yea, and if this would have happened we would shit our pants everywhere, not just the big cities and airfields. And sure there are the choper crash sites but that wont change much. Maybe another airfield or like a very big military camp to fill up the far north of Chernarus. Or maybe later on when they add viechels and boats they could make that big military camp on an island, just to give more option on where to find guns, and to have more chance before you get brutally murdered on one of the airfields. :D