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Zwagga added a comment to T184740: Vigor Inventory .

All progress made during Early Access (plans unlocked, housing improvements, cosmetics, crates, etc.) has been deleted except for one. I'm not talking about the items that were earned.
I'm talking about skins that I purchased with real money along with the crowns and these are now gone and I have no understanding of it and you have to refund the crowns.

Fri, Sep 20, 2:16 PM · Vigor PC
Zwagga added a comment to T184740: Vigor Inventory .

I understand that there was a wipe, but it can't be that the purchased crowns and the skins you paid money for were deleted with the publication. Can you tell me more about this?

Fri, Sep 20, 1:59 PM · Vigor PC
Zwagga created T184740: Vigor Inventory .
Fri, Sep 20, 1:54 PM · Vigor PC