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Nov 30 2017

Omery added a comment to T127189: Cannot create DX11 device: E_INVALIDARG.

P.S: you could also try updating the display driver (not the geforce experience) after updating windows as i have done, and if there are any problems use DDU ( to completely remove the display driver, and install an older version of the display driver.

Nov 30 2017, 12:29 PM · Arma 3
Omery added a comment to T127189: Cannot create DX11 device: E_INVALIDARG.

thanks @AnEnglishmanSheIs :D . I havnt upgraded the nvidia drivers since. Personally, i wouldnt do that until the next fix/update is published by microsoft.

Nov 30 2017, 12:25 PM · Arma 3

Nov 29 2017

Omery added a comment to T127189: Cannot create DX11 device: E_INVALIDARG.

I managed to solve the problem. what i did was I reinstalled windows with an earlier build (1511 i think). then, i installed the nvidia drivers i got with my laptop (asus gl553vd), and updated to the current 1709 build. im pretty certain its a compatebility problem between the new windows build and the nvidia drivers/ geforce experience app on certain systems. anyway, thats how i solved the problem. id suggest doing what i did, and if the problem reocurres after the 1709 update, just roll back to a previous build.

Nov 29 2017, 7:00 PM · Arma 3

Nov 26 2017

Omery added a comment to T127189: Cannot create DX11 device: E_INVALIDARG.

Unfortunately, i cannot revert back to the old windows builds before 1709, since windows.old was deleted...

Nov 26 2017, 6:25 PM · Arma 3
Omery added a comment to T127189: Cannot create DX11 device: E_INVALIDARG.

Ive been facing the same issue, it seems like windows wont recognize the dedicated graphics card (gtx 1050 4gb), only the onboard intel gpu. Windows does show the nvidia card on the device manager, but i guess its not using it at all for some reason. I have already tried updating the video card drivers, and downgrading to an older version of them, but nothing seems to help. The problem started since windows got the 1709 build, up until then everything ran perfectly.

Nov 26 2017, 2:08 AM · Arma 3