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May 10 2016

SSGKDawes edited Steps To Reproduce on T97325: Only getting Iron Sights on Any Gun no matter what scope/attachments..
May 10 2016, 9:34 PM · DayZ
SSGKDawes added a comment to T97320: DC Glitch.

I wonder why your backpack disappeared... it's not like things on the floor that are not saved to people are removed after a server restarts to allow fresh loot to be generated. (And on an offtopic note, what took you days and weeks of work to farm)

May 10 2016, 9:34 PM · DayZ
SSGKDawes added a comment to T93584: Sometimes when i try to aim with the m4 my view is below the weapon sight.

I have the same problem but re-logging does not fix the problem at all

May 10 2016, 7:23 PM · DayZ