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May 11 2016

Agno added a comment to T103522: Dynamic Heli spawn issue.

I found 4 heli crashes after stable 0.49 , 2 US 2 Rus , indeed the russian heli is sunken into the ground , about the smoke it should be that way , no smoke comes out of Rus heli crash .

About the US crashes, they had loot , but not like before... just found a black skull balaclava , a nade , amphibia and 1 m4 20mag

May 11 2016, 1:08 AM · DayZ
Agno added a comment to T103468: Hold breath not working.

Its working but its not like before , if u keep holding the hold breath key it actually steady the scope for 2-3 seconds , then its gone

May 11 2016, 1:07 AM · DayZ