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May 10 2016

JubaHunts added a comment to T82640: remoteExec and remoteExecCall Opens thousands of exploits for hackers.

Arma3 destroys more than it fixes, they should be bussy fixing theire shit bugs that havent been fixed for more than a year instead of patching shit all the time! The only revenue they get is from people buying the game to play mods, nobody is intrested in playing their crappy single/multiplayer missions and what do they do? Instead of helping modders they push them deeper underground. Look what happened to dayz mod/standalone that turned out GREAT.. full of hackers!

As a fact I tried playing theire singleplayer mission once, and in the second mission I ended up with broken legs and I couldnt fix myself eventhough I had a medickit and tons of bandages I ended up crawling for 2hrs and never played it again.

May 10 2016, 11:10 AM · Arma 3