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Sep 25 2018

RenatoEFDV added a comment to T132031: Bullets Not Registering/Weapons magazine stuck.

Theres definitely a gamebreaking bug, me and some friends could not reload our assault rifles, it seems like an animation glitch, when it first happend to me i had found an ak probably dropped by a player, i found a new mag and i could not realod the ak so i dropped it...
Found a respawned m4 with no mag in it, found a new mag and i was able to reload the m4, i loaded it with 1+14 bullets, i fired all the bullets and then tried to reload using Y, nothing happened, with the m4 on hands i tried to combine with a new mag from inventory, inventory closes but nothing happens, i manually removed the mag in the m4, tried pressing Y again and combining from invetory, again nothing happened, i also tried to reload the weapon while holding down A button with the M4 and mags in the inventory on hands and on the ground, there was no way to reload the weapon! When you manually remove the mag it seems like you only "removes it from inventory" because you can still see the mag in the weapon, i found a new ak and the same happened, i also found more ARs that had the same problem around the map, once it happens theres no way to "fix the weapon" other players cant do it too!

Sep 25 2018, 2:09 AM · DayZ Xbox