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Jun 21 2022

ArcAirum added a comment to T166127: Can’t play the game due to “bios” error. It stays no matter what I do.

Additional thing that’s now really fucked up I was in a city it was pitch black all the sudden I get to log in for the first time in half an hour since the last time I logged back in and now I’m in the middle of the woods it’s still pitch black I am on half food I have one potato and I’m fucked why the fuck did they move me I was in a good area it said it was a bad like a dangerous area but there was no zombies no people no nothing you would be in the area with a cow though I’m pretty sure in this game cows don’t kill

Jun 21 2022, 7:54 PM · DayZ PlayStation
ArcAirum edited Additional Information on T166127: Can’t play the game due to “bios” error. It stays no matter what I do.
Jun 21 2022, 7:48 PM · DayZ PlayStation
ArcAirum created T166127: Can’t play the game due to “bios” error. It stays no matter what I do.
Jun 21 2022, 7:46 PM · DayZ PlayStation