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Can’t play the game due to “bios” error. It stays no matter what I do
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I was in the middle of a continuous fight to not pass out due to loss of blood and my game kicked me out with no explanation as to why I tried to load back in and I continuously for about 20 minutes got a B iOS error and then it finally let me back in just to five minutes later kick me back out and now I can’t even find servers official or community I am a little pissed off because I paid for this game and now I can’t play it I don’t know if anyone else is encountering this issue but if you are please reply to this thread in someway just to signify that it’s not just me going through this


Operating System
Windows 7
Error Message
Additional Information

This is a PlayStation bug issue not a task and it does not involve the operating system of Windows 7 just another piece of technology that’s pissing me off.

Event Timeline

ArcAirum created this task.Jun 21 2022, 7:46 PM
ArcAirum edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Jun 21 2022, 7:48 PM
ArcAirum changed Category from Engine to Error Message.

Additional thing that’s now really fucked up I was in a city it was pitch black all the sudden I get to log in for the first time in half an hour since the last time I logged back in and now I’m in the middle of the woods it’s still pitch black I am on half food I have one potato and I’m fucked why the fuck did they move me I was in a good area it said it was a bad like a dangerous area but there was no zombies no people no nothing you would be in the area with a cow though I’m pretty sure in this game cows don’t kill