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Map issues persist
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Recently had an update but map issues persist. These include:

Displaced store owners including:
Veh stores - Molos airfield, West coast
Gun stores - Pyrgos
Gen stores - Molos

Missing buildings off map. These include:
Fuel stations
Some smaller random buildings - see attachments


Legacy ID

Event Timeline

Gopher_nz set Category to Localization.Dec 10 2015, 10:02 PM
Gopher_nz set Reproducibility to Always.
Gopher_nz set Severity to None.
Gopher_nz set Resolution to Open.
Gopher_nz set Legacy ID to 3058062915.May 8 2016, 1:17 PM
ceeeb added a subscriber: ceeeb.May 8 2016, 1:17 PM

This issue is about a community created mission, not the default game.

Really? It did not exist prior to 1.54. Given the recent admission in SITREP 00135 that "...we did not adequately document the specifics for mods to work with", it would appear they have broke something.

I appreciate you saying it may be a community created problem but given none of the community have been forthcoming with a solution yet to novice admins such as me (and plenty of others) - what else are we to do other than maybe give it up and put Arma 3 behind us.

What's the mission you are playing? There are no stores in any official missions AFAIK.

Altis Wasteland

PiepMGI added a subscriber: PiepMGI.May 8 2016, 1:17 PM

Ceeb, it's not the problem!
Problem is BI should have a far better quality process for backward (retro) compatibility. Don't say scripts are poorly written. One of the major value of Arma is the community work and the possibility of creation.

It's very damageable when some versions like 1.48 or 1.54 ruin all efforts of the best community writers.

I'm sure there is something to do for that: avoiding loss of functionalities (see feedback!) and now map objects.
btw: in vanilia arma - altis - no addon:

Had a look at my missions.sqm file in editor and every store owner is in their correct place. Load up Wasteland and the store owners are displaced. Please please please sort this out or suggest a fix Bohemia.

falagor closed this task as Resolved.Jan 2 2017, 4:22 PM

Closing this, please inform us if the issue persists.