I am getting about half the FPS I would expect, seen benchmarks and simular systems getting twice the FPS.
My graphics settings make NO impact on FPS, only draw distance a little bit, but only a little, I have to turn it down to 500 and even than if its busy in that radius its the same low frame rate.
I am getting drops to 20FPS in single player, the first campaign.
On multi player servers my FPS is 30-35 at most, when there's no buildings,trees,objects or other players around, looking at the sea.
It will drop to below 20 more than it is over 20. That is at draw distances from 900-1500, FPS does not change too much, perhaps 2-5 frames.
I tried every GFX setting, changed the CFG file, reinstalled, changed to win10 (DX12 did not help either).
It's game breaking and caused many rage quits and frustrations. I love the game and try to work around, but I'd rather see things fluently for a change :)