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Proposal on accessibility of SQF engine features for use in tool chain creation
Assigned, WishlistPublic


We just started an effort on creating a tool chain that will allow us to improve and secure the quality of ACE builds, by providing utility to ensure code that get's shipped is actually at minimum syntactically correct and potentially improve quality and performance later on.

First step would be to create a method to ensure that code we write is syntactically correct and can be executed in the engine.
This step could be accomplished by simply creating a complex set of regex rules to check for common pitfalls and rule those out.
This would however not help us in the oncoming improvements in the tool chain. Working towards a proper compiler like structure would be beneficial not only to help us test our code, but also to precompile it before we ship and optimize it programmatically as well.

Since the majority of the work will be on the correct representation of SQF and the optimization analysis. Leaving out the optimizations for now, not having to completely remodel the grammar of the language would be immensely helpful, as it would cut down on time.

Some options for this would be to help us create a method to directly access the engines SQF parser functionality, or even give us precise specs on the language in any form (preferably BNF).

Any bit helps with a project like this and the hope is to make it flexible and good enough to be usable by the entire community.


Legacy ID

Event Timeline

MikeMatrix set Category to Tools.Sep 23 2015, 8:33 AM
MikeMatrix set Reproducibility to N/A.
MikeMatrix set Severity to None.
MikeMatrix set Resolution to Open.
MikeMatrix set Legacy ID to 216312756.May 8 2016, 12:46 PM