Wishlist for a few eventHandlers that would be handy to have:
- would trigger when (AI) unit's combat mode changes
- Would return:
- the unit
- the newly changed combat mode
- would trigger when AI gets "Danger Caused"
- Would return something like:
- The unit
- Danger Cause
- The perceived target (object) if any
- Detected by the unit (same as targetKnowledge returns)
- detected by group (same as targetKnowledge returns)
- target position error
- target position
- would trigger when unit detects a active mine or a charge ("There's a charge here!" so there's a functionality for this in there already waiting to be released ;) )
- Would return:
- the unit
- the detected explosive (object)
- detected object type (class name)
- would trigger when AI starts firing at a target
- would return something like:
- the unit
- the target
- target type
- target threat
- distance to target
- weapon used
[<namespace>,<var>] addNameSpaceVariableEventHandler <code>
- would trigger when the variable stored in a namespace is changed with setVariable
- pretty much like addPublicVariableEventHandler but for setVariabled variables..
- would return
- the namespace (in case of object the object)
- the changed variable and it's value (array)
- boolean for global or not