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Single shot sound is missing when you load your weapon thru arsenal
Closed, ResolvedPublic


My whole clan got this problem with missing single shoot sounds.
It happens also with no mods, just pure vanilla.


Legacy ID
Unable To Duplicate
Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce
  • load a map with arsenal crate in it.
  • get min. 2 players
  • all players take now a gun with semi auto. from VAS or Arsenal
  • players should select semi and shoot

to solve this problem (tested with only 2 players)you can select automatic fire mode, shoot and switch back to semi

  • this "solution" doesnt work with many players (tested with 15) sometimes 1 player can hear the shots but another one cant(tested with 3 players)

this problem cant reproduce to 100% but it is possible

Additional Information

following error message is visible in the logs:
(6623 [received Magazine]): Network sync error - NMT Fire Weapon

Event Timeline

LtRyan edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Aug 17 2015, 9:00 AM
LtRyan edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
LtRyan set Category to Engine.
LtRyan set Reproducibility to Sometimes.
LtRyan set Severity to None.
LtRyan set Resolution to Open.
LtRyan set Legacy ID to 3172995430.May 8 2016, 12:31 PM
Lex added a subscriber: Lex.Apr 22 2017, 2:08 PM
This comment was removed by Lex.
Lex added a comment.Jun 12 2017, 9:46 PM


Ticket can be closed, as it's not valid anymore. Couldn't reproduce it with other players in MP.

Dwarden closed this task as Resolved.Jan 19 2020, 10:04 AM
Dwarden updated the task description. (Show Details)
Dwarden changed Resolution from Open to Unable To Duplicate.
Dwarden edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)
Dwarden edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Dwarden set Operating System to Windows 7.
Groove_C removed a subscriber: Groove_C.Jan 25 2020, 2:14 PM