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Player view gets automatically repositioned then using movement keys
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When using the fast forward or sprint key the game repositions the player's view forward and center. This also happens when holding a launcher and pressing either the strafe left or strafe right key.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce
  • Take control of an infantry soldier
  • Face the player's view towards the floor (look down)
  • Press and hold the 'fast forward' button and notice how the player automatically looks up and forward.
  • Release the 'fast forward' key
  • Equip a launcher and face the player's view towards the floor (look down)
  • Press and hold the strafe left key and notice how the player automatically looks up and forward.
Additional Information

The player's angle of view should not be affected by any movement keys. Never, ever automatically reposition the player's view. Never take any kind of control away from the player. This is UI 101.

Event Timeline

speedweasel edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
speedweasel set Category to Anims.
speedweasel set Reproducibility to Always.
speedweasel set Severity to None.
speedweasel set Resolution to Duplicate.
speedweasel set Legacy ID to 3239658014.May 8 2016, 12:13 PM

I had that issue , the way i fixed it was that i turned off aiming deadzone. i assume it was broke in the last update.