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Patency of the car and its wheels
Acknowledged, WishlistPublic


All wheel transport possesses forward and back protection - a bumper. Each class of equipment has the system of a suspension bracket of wheels and resistance to damage. There is also such equipment where on it the high rate is made. I cannot tell that all equipment in game considerably differs from each other in this sense. Often loss of wheels looks absolutely unnaturally.
The special attention of reliability of wheels is in military transport. They are capable to keep mobility at hit of bullets and small splinters, using system of pumping of wheels under way.
There is a wish to see these differences in characteristics in game.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce
  • To open the editor
  • Serially to choose vehicles
  • Cruise on hills and roanina of a cross-country terrain, on the different high-speed modes
Additional Information

Event Timeline

Lex edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jun 11 2015, 10:47 AM
Lex edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Lex set Category to Gameplay.
Lex set Reproducibility to Always.
Lex set Severity to None.
Lex set Resolution to Open.
Lex set Legacy ID to 2418942337.May 8 2016, 12:13 PM
PR9INICHEK removed a subscriber: PR9INICHEK.
PR9INICHEK added a subscriber: Wulf.

@Wulf hi :)

May be will close this ticket as duplicate of T82245?